Introducing, Sundash!

Sunday’s partner studios have an advantage – they all use Sundash to effortlessly launch campaigns, test game marketability and get clear-cut results. Sundash makes it easy to track a game’s marketing performance and spot all the factors that enforce the game’s positions. Built from the ground up right here at Sunday’s HQ, Sundash continuously evolves and adapts to the needs of our internal and partner studios.

Star Features of Sundash

Benefits Overview

Automated Campaign Creation

Forget about the manual hassle and launch ad campaigns on any supported network in seconds. With Sundash, you get error-free launches done in just a couple of clicks, saving you time to focus on more important aspects of your game.

KPI Tracking and Analysis

Stay on top of your game’s performance with all the data readily available for analysis as charts or cohort tables. With Sundash, you always have up-to-date view of your game’s CPM, CTR, retention, LTV, and other KPIs.

Direct Communication with PMs

We made it easy to stay in touch and get instant help from our experienced publishing managers. Whether you need help with optimizing your campaign or improving the game’s performance, they’ll be there to address your query.

Extensive Tool Kit

Sundash has tools you need to determine your game’s main drivers. Whether you’re looking to improve retention, increase engagement, or push the revenues, Sundash will help you identify weak spots in your campaign.

Monthly Improvements

We are committed to making regular updates and improvements to our dashboard to help you with your success. Whether it’s a new feature or a design tweak, you can count on Sundash to help you take your game to the next level!

Meet the Team Behind Sundash

These people have built our dashboard from scratch and made game marketability testing truly accessible. With a clear vision in mind, they keep grinding tons of code and data to bring even more exciting features to Sundash.
Lead Developer
“I wanted this page to be a memo game 🥲“
Backend Developer
“A machine that turns coffee into code!“
QA & Release Manager
“If it works, don’t touch it! :)“
Frontend Developer
“All I care about is coffee.“

How Do I Get Access to Sundash?

Sundash is available to every studio releasing their games with Sunday. Publish with us and forget about the hassle of going through tons of data to understand the performance of your game – Sundash will do it for you. Apply now!